COVID-19 Housing Resources Information Session

  • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • By: Make The Road Nevada, Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada , City of Las Vegas Government
  • Virtual
  • Community Education/Outreach
  • Housing

The eviction moratorium is coming to a close and many people are being harassed with threats of evictions. We want the community to know their rights as tenants and equip them with resources to help protect them. With our partners Silver State Fair Housing Council, the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada, and the City of Las Vegas we will be having an informative session where our sole purpose is to inform the public on their rights as tenants.
La moratoria de desalojos está llegando a su fin y muchas personas están siendo hostigadas con amenazas de desalojo. Queremos que la comunidad conozca sus derechos como inquilinos y los equipe con recursos para ayudar a protegerlos. Con nuestros socios Silver State Fair Housing Council, el Centro de Ayuda Legal del Sur de Nevada, y la Ciudad de Las Vegas tendremos una sesión informativa donde nuestro único propósito es informar al público sobre sus derechos como inquilinos.