Volunteer Lawyer Tools

Pro Bono Net Volunteer Advocate Tools and Resources

Pro Bono Net would like to recognize the thousands of volunteer lawyers who make a huge difference for those in need. Below is a list of  resources from Pro Bono Net to help volunteer attorneys and legal professionals with their work. 

Once again we wish to thank all of the volunteers that continue to make our mission of increasing access to justice a reality.


Pro Bono Opportunities Guide


Volunteer lawyers, law students and advocates can connect to opportunities through the National Pro Bono Opportunities Guide, an online, easy-to-use, searchable directory of of over 1,400 programs providing pro bono opportunities across the country available through probono.net, the flagship site and namesake of Pro Bono Net. Legal professionals can search for opportunities by location, area of law (e.g. consumer, foreclosure) or even by client community served (e.g. children, asylum seekers). The guide can be found here: http://www.probono.net/oppsguide/ or by clicking the Volunteer Guide tab at the top of this screen.

The National Pro Bono Opportunities Guide is a joint project of the ABA Standing Committee on Pro Bono and Public Service, its project the ABA Center for Pro Bono, Pro Bono Net and contributing organizations.


Pro Bono Libraries 


Often volunteer attorneys are addressing legal needs that are outside their usual areas of experience or expertise.  The Pro Bono Net network offers a variety of practice libraries, maintained in co-ordination with our network of legal service organization partners, where volunteers can find information and resources that include training materials, model briefs and pleadings, case law, videos and other helpful information. The information is sorted based on subject matter, and is typically state specific to help volunteers access the information they need, but also features a number of national practice area initiatives as well.  

The Library tool is available to members of probono.net in both the national site and state sponsored websites. To become a member go to http://www.probono.net/ and click on your location in the Regional Sites tab on the left of the screen. Explore our national initiatives through the National Sites tab on the left of the screen.


Pro Bono Training Calendars


Many sites in our network feature calendars with listings of CLE training, lectures upcoming legal clinics and and other relevant public interest events. This tool provides information about training opportunities to assist Pro Bono volunteers find the trainings they need to help support them throughout their pro bono representation of low-income clients.  These trainings are also geographically sorted to help volunteers find trainings in their area, so be sure to visit your right location.

The Pro Bono Net National Calendar can be found at http://www.probono.net/calendar/ or click on the Calendar tab at the top of the screen. The Calendar is categorized by states. The network sites also have their own calendars. For disaster legal aid trainings, please visit https://www.disasterlegalaid.org/advocates/events/Once you find your area or location of interest, be sure to opt-in to our monthly e-calendar of upcoming trainings!


LawHelp Interactive Forms


LawHelp Interactive (LHI) powers online forms that allow low-income people without access to a lawyer to prepare their own legal forms online for free. It can also be used by overstretched pro bono and legal aid attorneys seeking to work more efficiently. LHI supports volunteer attorneys in direct representation, limited scope and referral and screening contexts by helping them to do their pro bono work more efficiently and providing support in new areas of law.

Visit https://lawhelpinteractive.org/FindForms to find out if forms are available for nonprofit advocate and volunteer use in your state.


More Resources


Here is a listing of some select additional resources that Pro Bono Net helps to provide volunteer attorneys and legal professionals. For more information visit http://www.probono.net.


Disaster Legal Aid http://www.disasterlegalaid.org/ – A national site designed to help advocates and volunteers navigate FEMA applications and appeals, and assist disaster survivors facing with other legal needs. Public interest advocates and attorneys can join the new practice area by visiting www.disasterlegalaid.org/advocates/


#StandWithImmigrants https://www.standwithimmigrants.org/ - A national campaign to engage lawyers and other professionals around the country in skill-based volunteering to protect the rights of immigrants.


Pro Bono To Go in MN http://www.projusticemn.org/collections/   – A Minnesota statewide mobile tool which provides mobile guides and checklists to Pro Bono volunteers on their smart phones


The National Domestic Violence Pro Bono Directory http://www.probono.net/dv/ – Online searchable directory that provides access to volunteer opportunities related to Domestic Violence


The Immigration Advocates Network Volunteer Opportunities Guide http://www.immigrationadvocates.org/probono/volunteer – Online searchable directory that provides access to volunteer opportunities related to Immigration issues


Military Pro Bono http://www.militaryprobono.org/probono/ – Online resources and searchable directory that provides access to volunteer opportunities related to military and veteran issues


The Veteran's Consortium Pro Bono Program https://www.vetsprobono.org/ - Online resources and information for attorneys interested in volunteering to provide legal assistance to our country's veterans. 


The Unaccompanied Children Resource Center  http://www.uacresources.org/ - Online free legal resource and information center for advocates and immigrants that provides access to volunteer opportunities related to unaccompanied immigrant children


Pro Bono Net is a national non-profit organization dedicated to increasing access to justice for the disadvantaged. Through innovative technology solutions and expertise in building and mobilizing justice networks, Pro Bono Net transforms the way legal help reaches the underserved. Comprehensive programs including www.probono.net, www.lawhelp.org and www.lawhelpinteractive.org, enable legal advocates to make a stronger impact, increase volunteer participation, and empower the public with resources and self-help tools to improve their lives.



Interested in volunteering?  Check out our "Volunteer Tools" page to learn about the range of resources we have at Pro Bono Net to help mobilize and engage pro bono volunteers, or start searching for opportunities right now by using our national Pro Bono Opportunities Guide!